
Lecture notes from university.
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      1 +++
      2 title = "Physical: Modulation & multiplexing"
      3 +++
      5 # Physical: Modulation & multiplexing
      6 modulation schemes — send bits as signals
      7 multiplexing — share channel among users
      9 Baseband transmission (directly convert bits to signal):
     11 - send symbols representing bits
     12 - symbol rate — rate at which signal changes (also “baud rate”)
     13 - bit rate — symbol rate times bits per symbol
     14 - NRZ (non-return-to-zero): +1V=“1”, -1V=“0”
     15 - others:
     17 ![screenshot.png](72dfc9990b7c1bdb124208548eb5f685.png)
     19 - to decode symbols, signals need enough transitions
     20 - problem is, after enough zeros you can’t tell when the next symbol starts
     21 - Manchester encoding — add in clock signal by XORing with data signal
     22     - high-to-low transition is 1
     23     - low-to-high is a 0 (just the clock)
     24 - NRZI — transition means 1, no transition means 0
     25     - long runs of 1 is no problem, 0 still is
     26     - 4B/5B — every 4 bits mapped to 5-bit pattern using fixed table
     27     - scrambling — XOR with pseudorandom data, XOR again to decrypt
     29 Passband transmission (regulate amplitude/frequency/phase of carrier signal to mean bits)
     31 - Amplitude Shift Keying — two different amplitudes mean 0 or 1
     32 - Frequency SK — two different tones mean 0 and 1
     33 - Phase SK — wave is shifted 0 or 180 degrees to mean 0 or 1
     34 - Quadrature Phase SK — shifts of 45/135/225/315 degrees to transmit two bits at once (four different levels)
     35 - combine to represent more bits:
     36     - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM-16): phase (angle with X axis on constellation diagram) and amplitude (distance from origin on constellation diagram) is modulated, can transmit 4 bits
     37     - QAM-64 — more combinations
     38 - constellation diagrams:
     40 ![screenshot.png](f16030d6f761fab83e787e0b8cde9a10.png)
     42 Multiplexing
     44 - FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) — place channels on specific frequency bands
     45     - WiFi and Bluetooth change frequencies — "frequency hopping"
     46 - TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) — shares channel over time, users take turns on a fixed schedule (round-robin style)
     47 - CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) — narrow band signal is spread out over wider frequency band
     48     - each bit time divided into *m* short intervals (‘chips’), typically 64 or 128
     49     - each station is assigned *m*-bit code (‘chip sequence’)
     50     - to transmit 1 bit, a station sends its chip sequence
     51     - to transmit 0 bit, a station transmits negation of chip sequence.
     52     - if more stations transmit at the same time, bits add linearly
     53     - to recover, compute normalised inner product (station chip sequences must be known in advance)
     55 ![screenshot.png](ceb6c8506c364cf174492fdd99486e90.png)